You are in the Hall of Fame.
05/21: Malak the Warrior completed 20376 quests!
12/27: Necropsaro the Manslayer earned 2147378290 experience points!
05/04: Rindu the SoC Legend attained total stats of 32767!
07/06: Omega the Gray killed 32691 monsters!
01/15: tyst8 the Sorcerer committed 32 murders!
05/01: C-Diff the Diarrhetic acquired 2140000000 gold!
09/04: head the Sorcerer died 19 times!
05/18: Necropsaro the Manslayer stole 18588 items!
06/19: Cuz the Amazing killed a level 32767 monster!
06/05: Necropsaro the Manslayer was on for 1434 minutes!
06/19: Malak the Unworthy killed 3 rovers!
06/03: Necropsaro the Manslayer earned 2134334839 experience points thieving!
12/21: Necropsaro the Manslayer killed 535 invaders!
07/10: rock954 the Sorcerer was rewarded 2140872412 bounty gold!